MOH launches tripartite framework to fight for healthcare worker's rights
The framework aims to prevent abuse and harassment in healthcare.
The Ministry of Health (MOH), with the help of a tripartite workgroup, revealed its tripartite framework to curb harassment and abuse versus healthcare workers.
In a statement, MOH said its framework provides all healthcare institutions with a common definition of abuse and harassment and a consistent set of standards to safeguard their workers.
"Whilst the vast majority of patients and their next-of-kin are respectful and appreciative towards healthcare workers, there is a small minority of individuals who resort to words and actions which are abusive to healthcare workers," said MOH.
Here are the recommendations of the workgroup:
a) Protect healthcare workers who face abuse and harassment;
b) Prevent situations that lead to abuse and harassment; and
c) Promote positive relationships between healthcare workers and patients/ caregivers.
The framework also covers these areas:
i. A common definition of abuse and harassment, which would guide how public healthcare institutions identify, and subsequently prevent and manage such incidents consistently;
ii. Standardisation of protocols for healthcare institutions, ranging from immediate incident response, reporting, post-incident management; and
iii. Follow-up actions to be taken against perpetrators to protect healthcare workers and those around them.
The framework is intended to be adopted by June 2024 across all hospitals and institutions.