Hong Kong recruits more part-time doctors amidst manpower shortage
Over 300 doctors are now part-timers at public hospitals.
The Hospital Authority has increased resources to hire more part-time healthcare professionals to alleviate the problem of manpower shortage in public hospitals.
Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan made the statement to the media today, saying over 300 doctors and 2,000 nurses are working part-time at public hospitals.
Prof Chan said 10 Department of Health doctors have agreed to help out at public hospitals during their off-duty time, and 24 private doctors will also work part-time for the authority.
She added the Food & Health Bureau has recently published the Report of Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning & Professional Development projecting long-term manpower needs.
On inter-hospital transfer to expedite bed turnover for new patients, she said 13 patients have been transferred to St Teresa's Hospital to free up public hospital beds for patients with more serious conditions.