CUHK Medical Centre and GBA Healthcare Group Limited to provide outpatient services for GBA
The partnership will also deploy specialised inpatient services in Hong Kong for GBA residents.
The Greater Bay Area (GBA) will benefit from CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) and The GBA Healthcare Group Limited's (GBAH Group) partnership to put up the GBA Integrated Value-Based Care Partnership Ecosystem.
In a joint statement, GBAH Group will have CUHKMC as its first partner where they will jointly provide cross-border healthcare services covering general outpatient services in the GBA, and specialized inpatient services in Hong Kong for residents in the GBA.
Also, CUHKMC declared GBAH Group as its "Designated Value-Based Care Insurance Proposition Partner," which will meet policyholders' healthcare service needs in Hong Kong by partnering with insurance companies to create health insurance plans that offer all-inclusive package fees and cover cross-border medical services.
The strategic cooperation will start with research and clinical exchanges at the hospital where the Hong Kong-Macau Residents Healthcare Services Center is located. Through a cross-border two-way referral service model, it seeks to enrich healthcare choices for residents in the GBA and enhance their medical experience from outpatient to inpatient, from routine care to disease treatment.
Value-based care has the following characteristics:
Focuses on health rather than disease.
Charges based on patient health outcomes rather than services.
Provides the most cost-effective healthcare services under the premise of improving patient health outcomes.
For various stakeholders in healthcare services, value-based healthcare holds the following values:
Payers: Controls costs and reduces risks by creating health insurance products based on disease prevention.
Providers: Focuses on delivering services most beneficial to patient health without worrying about over or under servicing.
Patients: Obtains better treatment and preventive care at a lower cost.
By coordinating the incentive mechanisms for payers, healthcare providers, and patients, the goal is to improve societal health levels and reduce overall healthcare expenditures.