Australia to fund three medical researches for $34.5m
These include flu vaccine, schizophrenia treatment, and gut microorganism uses.
The Australian government is allocating US$34.5mm (A$50m) for three medical researches through the National Health and Medical Research Council’s 2024 Synergy Grant scheme.
These include the search for a multi-season flu vaccine, better treatment for schizophrenia, and how gut microorganisms may fight off melanoma.
Ten projects will bring teams from across health and medical research disciplines together with WEHI (formerly Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) leading the vaccine research.
Deakin University, along with the Synergy for the Development of Innovative Clinical Treatments in Schizophrenia, will lead the research for new schizophrenia treatments.
Exploring how microorganisms in the gut produce key factors involved in immune responses against melanoma will be led by The University of Melbourne.