Cataract surgery addresses presbyopia correction and spectacle independence for patients
Alcon’s technology allows patients to achieve a high degree of spectacle independence whilst ensuring enhanced vision.
Presbyopia is a common, age-related vision condition in which people have difficulty focusing on things up close. It involves the gradual loss of the eye’s ability to focus on close objects, such as smartphones, computers, books, and menus. Almost everyone will experience presbyopia to some degree as they age, with symptoms often first appearing as an individual enters their 40s and continues to worsen into their 60s¹.
During cataract surgery, patients have a good opportunity to fix their eyesight, in most cases, and be spectacle-free. This is the idea that Alcon worked on when they developed AcrySof® PanOptix® – an innovative trifocal intraocular lens that gives patients excellent near, intermediate & far vision.
It is designed for today’s active lifestyles, from reading a book, viewing mobile devices and computer screens to high-quality distance vision. With the proprietary ENLIGHTEN® Technology of AcrySof® PanOptix®, patients can achieve 20/20 vision for near, intermediate and far, delivering high patient satisfaction with minimal reported visual disturbances post-cataract surgery.
Most importantly, patients are able to achieve a high degree of spectacle independence, a benefit highly appreciated by many for not having to deal with the hassle of wearing glasses.
AcrySof® PanOptix® is also the leading presbyopia-correcting IOLs that has surpassed more than one million implants worldwide².
In the Asia Pacific, the AcrySof® PanOptix® is well-received by surgeons and patients. With PanOptix, patients gain back their vision, life, and routine, enabling them to do things they love, otherwise impacted by their cataracts before the surgery. They could now see more and do more.
“Alcon is also committed to supporting our surgeons to create an optimal surgical outcome with this lens for their patients. We offer close follow-up clinical supports to handhold surgeons whilst they learn about the lens and be confident to provide this option to their patients,” they said.
The innovative technology has caught the attention of the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards, as Alcon won the Cataract Product Innovation of the Year - Singapore for AcrySof® PanOptix®.
The awards programme aims to recognise medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, innovating breakthrough products, solutions, and initiatives to better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis.