Suci Arumsari

Suci Arumsari (born in Jakarta, July 25, 1986) is a startup entrepreneur in Indonesia and Co-Founder / President Director of Alodokter, the number one online health care
provider available in website and mobile application - enabling patients to look for trusted health information, consult online with doctors, booking doctor appointment, buy
medicine online and get health insurance.

In 2014, Suci founded Alodokter after having difficulty getting medically accurate health information about her spine injury. Starting from a website that provides trusted health information and articles from medical experts, Alodokter additionally builds mobile applications that provide other services to ensure Indonesians have easy affordable access to trusted health service. In 2019, Alodokter also launched Alomedika, a platform for doctors to update medical knowledge and take online exams to apply for a Medical Professional Credit Unit.

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