Lim Wai Mun

Lim Wai Mun is the Founder & CEO of Doctor Anywhere, a regional tech-enabled healthcare company that provides telemedicine and a holistic range of health offerings.

While distributing lunchboxes to the elderly living in older housing estates in 2016, he saw how seniors lacked access to basic healthcare due to their inability to leave their homes. 

Moved by this experience, he founded Doctor Anywhere in 2017 with a vision to provide simple, accessible, and efficient healthcare for everyone. His experience in private equity and nearly a decade in Temasek Holdings, where he helped conceptualise and establish Pavilion Energy, a Singapore-based LNG company, enabled him to propel Doctor Anywhere’s growth from a young telehealth startup to a regional health player with 2.5 million users across 6 countries today.

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