Dr. Suebsakul Tonjang

Suebsakul Tonjang, Ph.D., is an innovative sustainability manager at Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL (BDMS), one of the most prestigious healthcare networks in the Asia-Pacific region. He leads the innovative sustainability department, innovation direction of organization, and strategies to develop healthcare innovation. He has utilized a repertoire of skills including innovation management, healthcare management, and operational analysis to create high-value sustainable innovation in BDMS. His accomplishment includes developing an innovation ecosystem that increases the number of healthcare innovation projects and improves sustainable innovation management performance. He has received the Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering in 2021 from Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok, Thailand. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. His research focuses on healthcare quality and innovation management to develop the integrated quality and innovation management model in healthcare affecting sustainability.

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